Documents for which the "Delegate Signature" has been authorized by the sender of the document can delegate signature authority to another person.
1. Click on “View & Sign” in the signature request email.
2. Click “Delegate Signature” on the signature screen
Click on the “Delegate Signature” button on the documents page. *No input to fields.
3.Enter the signature delegate
Enter the name of the delegate, his/her email address, and the reason for delegating his/her signature. Click "Confirm Delegation".
An email requesting the signature will be sent to the specified delegate's email address.
*The name, e-mail address, and reason for delegating signature will also be notified to the sender of the document.
*If the sender of the document requests a signature using the “Signature request by SMS” function, a field for entering a cell phone number will be displayed. By entering the cell phone number of the delegate, the document can be sent by SMS.
*When the delegation of signatures is completed, the role of the initially designated signer is changed to “viewer” and a notification e-mail is sent upon completion of the signature.
This completes the delegation of signatures.